Rates & cancellation
Free 15 min Initial Consultation
In-Person Counselling
Individual Counselling
50 mins
Couples Counselling
50 mins
Couples Counselling
80 mins
Family Counselling
80 mins
Virtual Counselling
Individual Counselling
50 mins
Couples Counselling
50 mins
Couples Counselling
80 mins
Family Counselling
80 mins
If you must cancel/reschedule an appointment, please provide us with 48 hour advanced notice, otherwise the full rate will still apply.
Are your services covered by Extended Health Benefit plans?
Our services are not covered by MSP. However, many extended health benefits plans cover services offered by Registered Psychologists and/Registered Clinical Counselors up to an annual maximum. You will be provided a receipt for the service you receive so you can submit it to your benefits plan for reimbursement. Before scheduling your appointment, please contact your insurer to find out the terms and conditions of your plan and annual coverage. Our clinic does not offer direct billing. Insurance companies will not share with us details of your extended health plan for confidentiality reasons.